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Mechanical engineering phd resume

Mechanical engineering phd resume

mechanical engineering phd resume

September 15, Engineering for Impact: Meet Duke Engineering’s Next Dean. Jerome Lynch shares his perspectives on Duke Engineering, initial priorities as dean, and vision for the transformative role engineers can play in society Apr 09,  · Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering can be done in conjunction with a PhD (for the MS/PhD option) or alone. Degrees are granted after completion of programs of study that emphasize the application of the natural sciences to the analysis and solution of engineering problems The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in the College of Engineering offers the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. At the MS level students may pursue a program preparing for advanced practice or for MS thesis research. All MS students with assistantships are required to complete a thesis

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering | Northeastern University

Posted by Manish Katyan 9 Apr 2. Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest areas of engineering, covering dynamics and control, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, structures and solid mechanics and design and manufacture.

Core to Mechanical Engineering process is the ability to formulate a problem, identify potential solutions, analyze and model solutions and select the most appropriate solution within constraints. Mechanical engineering phd resume approach is integrated within the program and is applicable across a range of professions, making graduates well prepared for a changing world.

The graduates from mechanical engineering can find exciting careers in aerospace, automobile design, consumer electronics, biotechnology and bioengineering, software engineering, and business. Biomechanical Engineering is focused on the application of mechanical engineering principles to human healthcare problems.

Research in Biomechanical Engineering spans from long-term basic science questions to the practical development of translational technologies, mechanical engineering phd resume. Highly multi-disciplinary in nature, and funded by NIH, NSF, other federal agencies and industry, these research are mechanical engineering phd resume with a variety of collaborators across different engineering departments at universities, and with faculty and students from different medical schools and research centers.

Tracing its mechanical engineering phd resume to J. Mechanical systems are becoming ever more complex, yet performance requirements are increasingly stringent. At the same time, dramatic developments in microelectronics and computers over the past few decades make it possible to use sophisticated signal processing and control methodologies to enhance system performance.

The area addresses the broad spectrum of control science and engineering from mathematical theory to computer implementation. On the theoretical side, faculty and graduate students pursue research on adaptive and optimal control, digital control, robust control, modeling and identification, learning, intelligent control and nonlinear control, to name a few.

On the application side, research teams engage in projects involving a variety of mechanical systems such as robot manipulators, manufacturing systems, vehicles and intelligent vehicle highway systems, motion control systems, computer storage devices and biomedical systems. Courses in this area cover linear system theory, digital control, nonlinear control, adaptive control, modeling and identification, multivariable robust control theory, real time use of microcomputers for signal processing and control, and control of robot manipulators.

Graduate students also take courses offered in other departments such as Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Faculty in the Design field of Mechanical Engineering work on problems affecting the analysis, synthesis, design, automation, fabrication, testing, evaluation, and optimization of mechanical systems.

Students learn to mechanical engineering phd resume integrated manufacturing cells and machines mechanical engineering phd resume contain automated material handling systems, machining, tool path planning, sensor systems, quality control, and error handling.

Students are exposed to broad fields including composite materials, micro electromechanical systems, mechanical engineering phd resume, laser machining and laser processing of materials, thin film fabrication, and tool wear. Traditional topics such as stress analysis, tribology, fracture mechanics, gear-design, transmissions, mechanics of materials, and basic manufacturing process analysis, are also thoroughly covered. At its heart, the study of dynamics is the study of motion. Whether this motion involves automobiles, aircraft or the change of economic indicators, dynamics can be used effectively to gain insight and understanding.

Research addresses a range of topics, including dynamical systems theory, vehicle dynamics, bubble dynamics, computer simulation of dynamical systems, vibration and modal analysis, acoustics and acoustic control, and the development of efficient computational methods. Such research synthesizes numerics, experiments and theory, allowing researchers to address fundamental questions while staying aware of real life limitations.

Courses are offered in linear and nonlinear dynamics, mechanical engineering phd resume and random vibrations, and continuous systems. Energy related research in Mechanical Engineering encompasses a broad range of science and technology areas spanning a variety of applications that involve storage, transport, conversion, and use of energy. Specific areas of ongoing research include hydrogen energy systems, combustion of biofuels, pollution control in engines, development of next generation compression ignition engine technologies, radiation interaction with nanostructured surfaces, laser processing of materials, mechanical engineering phd resume, nanofabrication using lasers, combustion in microgravity environments, development of nanostructured thermoelectric materials, concentrating photovoltaic solar power, solar thermal combined heat and power systems, energy efficiency and sustainability of data centers, mechanical engineering phd resume, waste energy recovery, high performance thermal management systems for electronics, and ocean energy technologies.

Training in the Fluid Mechanics group provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of fluid flow, mechanical engineering phd resume. At the graduate level, all students are typically required to complete a one-year course in fluid dynamics before specializing in particular areas.

In addition, students get a firm foundation in analytical, computational and experimental essentials of fluid dynamics. Topics of study include suspension mechanics, dynamics of phase changes in engineering and in geophysical flowsmechanical engineering phd resume, earth mantle dynamics, interfacial phenomena, non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, biofluid mechanics, vascular flows, chaotic mixing and transport of scalars, mechanical engineering phd resume, bubble dynamics, flow in curved pipes, environmental fluid dynamics, external aerodynamics, unsteady aerodynamics, bluff-body aerodynamics, vortex dynamics and breakdown, aircraft wake vortices, mechanical engineering phd resume, vortex merger, vortex instabilities, rotating flows, stability and transition, chaos, grid turbulence, shear turbulence, turbulence modeling, shock dynamics, sonoluminescence, sonochemistry, reacting flows, planetary atmospheres, ship waves, internal waves, and nonlinear wave-vorticity interaction.

There has been a resurgence of manufacturing in this this dynamically-changing field, which encompasses several subdisciplines including Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Materials Science and Engineering. Typical processes range from conventional material removal by cutting to semiconductor and nanomaterial processing techniques such as chemical mechanical planarization to additive processes such as 3D printing and spray processing.

Modeling and simulation attempts to predict the behavior of these processes to insure efficient and optimal performance. A companion set of activities in sensors and process monitoring, automation, internet based design to mechanical engineering phd resume, cyber-physical infrastructure, quality control, reliability are part of manufacturing, mechanical engineering phd resume.

Manufacturing is receiving special attention at the mechanical engineering phd resume in the United States as a driver of innovation and competitiveness and a major contributor to employment. The activity in manufacturing today is built on a long history of fundamental research and education by pioneers such as Erich Thomsen and Shiro Kobayashi.

Recent activities have moved away the more traditional areas of metal forming and plasticity to design and advanced manufacturing integration, new manufacturing technologies, specially for energy reduction and alternate energy technologies, precision manufacturing, computational manufacturing and sustainable manufacturing, mechanical engineering phd resume.

Mechanical engineering phd resume of the research includes development of tools for engineering designers to include the impact of manufacturing in the design process as well as, more recently, the life cycle impacts for the product. Education and research in manufacturing is exceptionally well integrated with industry in terms of internships, research support and student placement.

Manufacturing continues to be a critical field for research and industrial development over many sectors. This includes manufacturing products for an energy and environmentally aware consumer such as autos, consumer products, buildings, etc. fuel cells, solar panels, wind energy systems, hybrid power plants, etc.

This is all required in an environment of increasing regional, national and international government regulations covering all aspects of the manufacturing enterprise. This means that for the foreseeable future, the field is expected to be well supplied mechanical engineering phd resume challenges to drive innovation in research and education. In summary, modern manufacturing can be characterized by three basic processing strategies — additive, subtractive and near-net mechanical engineering phd resume. Additive manufacturing, ranging from deposition processes to the more recent rapid prototyping approaches, is an area that offers much future potential for both accurate and fast creation of complex products.

Additive manufacturing AM and Rapid-Prototyping RP have received a great deal of attention for a number of years. In particular, the idea of 3-D Printing 3DP has received quite a large amount of press. In many cases, this process is referred to as additive- fabrication, processes, techniques, layer manufacturing and freeform fabrication.

The basic term is used in conjunction with the product life cycle from rapid-prototyping pre-production to full scale production. Fiber-reinforced materials such as carbon, aramid and glass composites have the highest strength and stiffness-to-weight ratios among engineering materials. For demanding applications such as spacecraft, aerospace and high-speed machinery, such properties make for a very efficient and high-performance system.

Carbon fiber composites, for example, are five times stiffer than steel for the same weight allowing for much lighter structures for the same level of performance. In addition, carbon and aramid composites have close to zero coefficients of thermal expansion, making them essential in the design of ultra-precise optical benches and dimensionally stable antennas.

Some carbon fibers have the highest thermal conductivities among all materials allowing them to be incorporated as heat dissipating elements in electronic and spacecraft applications. In addition to their inherently unique properties, composite materials can be tailored for specific applications and several functions can be integrated into a single structure. For example, mechanical engineering phd resume integrated structure requiring both high stiffness but low thermal conductivity can be manufactured using mixtures of various composites.

Or, a precise satellite antenna that has both dimensional stability as well as excellent microwave performance can be constructed using specific amounts of carbon fiber. In this way, using composites, true integration of materials, manufacturing processes and design is possible.

With the incorporation of sensors, fiber optics, microprocessors and actuators, a smart or adaptive structure can also be created which can alter its response to specific inputs by detecting and responding to mechanical engineering phd resume stimuli mechanical engineering phd resume as force, displacement, temperature, or humidity. Incorporating such elements into a single material can only be done through the use of composites, resulting in materials and structures with infinite variability and optimum utility.

Having its roots in the classical theory of elastic materials, solid mechanics has grown to embrace all aspects involving the behavior of deformable bodies under loads.

Thus, in addition to including the theory of linear elasticity, mechanical engineering phd resume, with its applications to structural materials, solid mechanics also incorporates modern nonlinear theories of highly deformable mechanical engineering phd resume. Courses and research topics include linear and nonlinear elasticity, plasticity at large deformations, shell theory, composite materials, directed or Cosserat continua, media with microstructure, continuum electrodynamics, and continuum thermodynamics.

A major research area involves finite deformation of highly deformable materials including computational aspects pertaining to the development of constitutive theories, special solutions, and theoretical predictions of material response. Examples of this work include: ductile metals under special loading programs e.

Material and stress characterization issues in a wide range of solids, including metals, composites, electronic materials, mechanical engineering phd resume, and geologic materials. Both experimental and analytical research are conducted in the areas of nondestructive stress evaluation, characterization of thin solid films, large deformation material behavior, and microstructure evaluation.

Stress and property evaluation are topics being pursued for bulk materials and thin films. A variety of approaches are involved including ultrasonics, X-ray diffraction, and custom designed micro-electro-mechanical structures MEMS.

Particular emphasis is directed to the relationship between material processing and its effect on the resulting microstructure and the mechanical response. Similarly, work in the fields of plasticity and quantitative texture analysis is directed toward mechanical engineering phd resume descriptions of the macroscopic, observable behavior of polycrystalline materials in terms of the microstructure inherent within these materials.

Over the past 20 years, the application of microelectronic technology to the fabrication of mechanical devices has revolutionized the research in microsensors and microactuators. Micromachining technologies take advantage of batch processing to address the manufacturing and performance requirements of the sensor industry.

The extraordinary versatility of semiconductor materials and the miniaturization of VLSI patterning techniques promise new sensors and actuators with increased capabilities and improved performance-to-cost ratio, which far surpass conventionally machined devices.

Research applies to a broad range of issues in miniaturization, including solid, materials, design, manufacturing, fluidics, heat transfer, dynamics, control, environmental, mechanical engineering phd resume, and bioengineering. Significant breakthroughs over the past two decades in a wide range of disciplines have generated new interest in science and engineering at nanometer scales. The invention of the scanning tunneling microscope, mechanical engineering phd resume, the discovery of the fullerene family of molecules, the development of materials with size-dependent properties, and the ability to encode with and manipulate biological molecules such as DNA, are a few of the crucial developments that have changed this field.

Continued research in nanoscale science and engineering promises to revolutionize many fields and lead to a new technological base and infrastructure that will have major impact on world economies. The impact will be felt in areas as diverse as computing and information technology, health care and biotechnology, environment, energy, transportation, and space exploration, to name a few.

Some key areas of research include nanoinstrumentation nano energy conversion, nano bioengineering and nano computing storage. The field of nanoengineering is highly interdisciplinary, requiring knowledge drawn from a variety of scientific and engineering departments. In addition to traditional courses covering fundamentals of mechanical engineering, there are specialized courses in microscale thermophysics, micro and nanoscale tribology, cellular and sub-cellular level transport phenomena and mechanics, physicochemical hydrodynamics of ultra-thin fluid films, and microfabrication, mechanical engineering phd resume.

The oceans have long been recognized as an essential part of our global environment. Ocean Engineering involves the development, design, and analysis of man-made systems that can operate in the offshore or coastal environment. Such systems may be used for transportation, recreation, fisheries, extraction of petroleum or other minerals, and recovery of thermal or wave energy, among others.

Some systems are bottom-mounted, mechanical engineering phd resume, particularly those in shallower depths; others are mobile, as in the case of ships, submersibles, or floating drill rigs. All systems should be designed mechanical engineering phd resume withstand a hostile environment wind, waves, mechanical engineering phd resume, currents, ice and to operate efficiently while staying environmentally friendly, mechanical engineering phd resume.

Ocean Engineering study as a major field of study within Mechanical Engineering requires satisfying core requirements in marine hydrodynamics and marine structures. Disciplines supporting ocean engineering include materials and fabrication, control and robotics, continuum mechanics, dynamical system theory, design methodology, mathematical analysis, and statistics.

Ocean Engineering can also be used as a minor subject with one of the other major field disciplines. Contemporary research issues include: vortex and free surface interaction, roll-motion damping and dynamics of ships, dynamic positioning of mobile offshore bases, hydroelastic behavior of floating airports, waves in a two-layer fluid, high-speed multi-hull configuration optimization, marine composite materials, reliability-based structural design, fatigue behavior of marine materials, Bragg scattering of waves, computational methodologies for nonlinear waves, tsunami propagation, sea-bed mechanics, and alternative renewable energy: floating offshore wind park, ocean wave and tidal energy, loads on floating turbines.

An important aspect of mechanical engineering is the planning, design, and operation of transportation systems. As society recognizes the increasing importance of optimizing transportation systems to minimize environmental degradation and energy expenditure, engineers will need to consider major innovations in the way people and goods are moved.

Such innovations will require competence in vehicle dynamics, propulsion and control, and an understanding of the problems caused by present-day modes of transportation.

In addition, there are many great universities around the world which are highly reputed for Mechanical Engineering:. degrees are granted after completion of programs of study that emphasize the application of the natural sciences to the analysis and solution of engineering problems. Advanced courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and the life sciences are normally included in a program that incorporates the engineering systems approach for analysis of problems.

How Mechanical Engineers SHOULD Answer \

, time: 6:14

Mechanical Engineering - Purdue University

mechanical engineering phd resume

Apr 09,  · Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering can be done in conjunction with a PhD (for the MS/PhD option) or alone. Degrees are granted after completion of programs of study that emphasize the application of the natural sciences to the analysis and solution of engineering problems September 15, Engineering for Impact: Meet Duke Engineering’s Next Dean. Jerome Lynch shares his perspectives on Duke Engineering, initial priorities as dean, and vision for the transformative role engineers can play in society The Mechanical Engineering graduate program recognizes the close relationship between advanced level education and the advancement of knowledge, and is committed to excellence in graduate teaching and research. An emphasis on fundamental scientific research and strong research collaborations with industry characterize our programs

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