Jul 10, · “Doctor Zhivago will, I believe, come to stand as one of the great events in man’s literary and moral history,” wrote Wilson. “Nobody could have written it in a totalitarian state and turned it loose on the world who did not have the courage of genius.” Content, rather than art, is the key to Doctor Zhivago’s importance The Times Literary Supplement Limited: 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF. Registered in England. Company registration number: VAT no: GB 69 Literary analysis essay structure is similar to many other types of writing. It usually consists of five paragraphs: intro, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each of the body paragraphs must focus on a single topic. For example, in one paragraph you review characters and plot, and in the other – literary devices used by the author
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The novel is named after its protagonistdoctor zhivago literary analysis, Yuri Zhivagoa physician and poet, and takes place between the Russian Revolution of and World War II. Owing to the author's independent-minded stance on the October Revolutiondoctor zhivago literary analysis, Doctor Zhivago was refused publication in the USSR. At the instigation of Giangiacomo Feltrinellithe manuscript was smuggled to Milan and published in Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature the following year, an event that embarrassed and enraged the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
The novel was made into a film by David Lean inand since then has twice been adapted for television, most recently as a miniseries for Russian TV in The plot of Doctor Zhivago is long and intricate. It can be difficult to follow for two reasons.
First, doctor zhivago literary analysis, Pasternak employs many characters, doctor zhivago literary analysis, who interact with each other throughout the book in unpredictable ways. Imperial Russia Having long ago been abandoned by his father, Yuri is taken in by his maternal uncle, Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin, a philosopher and former Orthodox priest who now works for the publisher of a progressive newspaper in a provincial capital on the Volga River.
Yuri's father, Andrei Zhivago, was once a wealthy member of Moscow's merchant gentry, but has squandered the family's fortune in Siberia through debauchery and carousing. The next summer, Yuri who is 11 years old and Nikolai Nikolaevich travel to Duplyanka, the estate of Lavrenty Mikhailovich Kologrivov, a wealthy silk merchant.
Doctor zhivago literary analysis are there not to visit Kologrivov, who is abroad with his wife, but to visit a mutual friend, Ivan Ivanovich Voskoboinikov, an intellectual who lives doctor zhivago literary analysis the steward's cottage. Innokenty Nika Dudorov, a year-old boy who is the son of a convicted terrorist has been placed with Doctor zhivago literary analysis Ivanovich by his mother and lives with him in the cottage. As Nikolai Nikolaevich and Ivan Ivanovich are strolling in the garden and discussing philosophy, they notice that a train passing in the distance has come to a stop in an unexpected place, indicating that something is wrong.
On the train, an year-old boy named Misha Grigorievich Gordon is traveling with his father. They have been on the train for three days. During that time, a kind man had given Misha small gifts and had talked for hours with his father, Grigory Osipovich Gordon. However, encouraged by his attorney, who was traveling with him, the man had become drunk.
Eventually, the man had rushed to the vestibule of the moving train car, pushed aside the boy's father, opened the door and thrown himself out, killing himself. Misha's father had then pulled the emergency brake, doctor zhivago literary analysis, bringing the train to a halt. The passengers disembark and view the corpse while the police are called. The deceased's lawyer stands near the body and blames the suicide on alcoholism.
During the Russo-Japanese War —Amalia Karlovna Guichard arrives in Moscow from the Urals with her two children: Rodion Rodya and Larissa Lara.
Doctor zhivago literary analysis late husband was a Belgian who had been working as an engineer for the railroad and had been friends with Victor Ippolitovich Komarovsky, a lawyer and "cold-blooded businessman". Komarovsky sets them up in rooms at the seedy Montenegro hotel, enrolls Rodion in the Cadet Corps and enrolls Lara in a girls' high school.
The girls' school is the same school that Nadya Kologrivov attends. On Komarovsky's advice, Amalia invests in a small dress shop. Amalia and her children live at the Montenegro for about a month before moving into the apartment over the dress shop.
Despite an ongoing affair with Amalia, Komarovsky begins to groom Lara behind her mother's back. In early October, the workers of the Moscow-Brest railroad line go on strike. The foreman of the station is Pavel Ferapontovich Antipov. His friend Kiprian Savelyevich Tiverzin is called into one of the railroad workshops and stops a workman from beating his apprentice whose name is Osip Yusupka Gimazetdinovich Galiullin.
The police arrest Pavel Ferapontovich for his role in the strike. Pavel Ferapontovich's boy, Patulya or Pasha or Pashka Pavlovich Antipov, comes to live with Tiverzin and his mother.
Tiverzin's mother and Patulya attend a demonstration which is attacked by dragoons, but they survive and return home. As the protestors flee the dragoons, Nikolai Nikolaevich Yuri's uncle is standing inside a Moscow apartment, at the window, watching the people flee. Some time ago, he moved from the Volga region to Petersburg, and at the same time moved Yuri to Moscow to live at the Gromeko household. Nikolai Nikolaevich had then come to Moscow from Petersburg earlier in the Fall, and is staying with the Sventitskys, who were distant relations.
The Gromeko household consists of Alexander Alexandrovich Gromeko, doctor zhivago literary analysis wife Anna Ivanovna, and his bachelor brother Nikolai Alexandrovich. Anna is the daughter of a wealthy steel magnate, now deceased, from the Yuriatin region in doctor zhivago literary analysis Urals.
They have a daughter Tonya. In Januarythe Gromekos host a chamber music recital at their home one night. One of the performers is a cellist who is a friend of Amalia's, and her next-door neighbor at the Montenegro. Alexander Alexandrovich, Yuri and Misha come along with the cellist. At the Montenegro, the boys stand in a public corridor outside one of the rooms, [8] embarrassed, while Amalia, who has taken poison, is treated with an emetic.
Eventually, they are shooed into the room by the boarding house employees who are using the corridor. The boys are assured that Amalia is out of danger and, once inside the room, see her, half-naked and sweaty, talking with the cellist; she tells him that she had "suspicions" but "fortunately it all turned out to be foolishness. Unexpectedly, Komarovsky emerges from behind a curtain and brings a lamp to the table next to Lara's chair.
The light wakes her doctor zhivago literary analysis and she, unaware that Yuri and Misha are watching, shares a private moment with Komarovsky, "as if doctor zhivago literary analysis were a puppeteer and she a puppet, obedient to the movements of his hand. This is the first time Yuri sees Lara, and he is fascinated by the scene. Misha then whispers to Yuri that the man he is watching is the same one who got his father doctor zhivago literary analysis on the train shortly before his father's suicide.
In NovemberAnna Ivanovna Gromeko becomes seriously ill with pneumonia. At this time, Yuri, Misha, and Tonya are studying to be a doctor, philologist, and lawyer respectively.
Yuri learns that his father had a child, a boy named Evgraf, by Princess Stolbunova-Enrizzi. The narrative returns to the Spring of Lara is increasingly tormented by Komarovsky's control over her, which has now been going on for six months. In order to get away from him, she asks her classmate and friend Nadya Laurentovna Kologrivov to help her find work as a tutor. Nadya says she can work for Nadya's own family because her parents happen to be looking for a tutor for her sister Lipa.
Lara spends more than three years working as a governess for the Kologrivovs, doctor zhivago literary analysis.
Lara admires the Kologrivovs, and they love her as if she were their own child. In her fourth year with the Kologrivovs, Lara is visited by her brother Rodya. He needs rubles to cover a debt. Lara says she will try to get the money, and in exchange demands Rodya's cadet revolver along with some cartridges. She obtains the money from Kologrivov, doctor zhivago literary analysis. She does not pay the money back, because she uses her wages to help support her boyfriend Pasha Antipov see above and his father who lives in exilewithout Pasha's knowledge, doctor zhivago literary analysis.
We move forward to Lara visits the Kologrivovs' country estate with them for the last time. She is becoming discontented with her situation, but she enjoys the pastimes of the estate anyway, and she becomes an excellent shot with Rodya's revolver. When she and the family return to Moscow, her discontent grows. Around Christmastime, she resolves to part from the Kologrivovs, and to ask Komarovsky for the money necessary to do that. She plans to kill him with Rodya's revolver should he refuse her.
On 27 December, the date of the Sventitsky's Christmas party, she goes to Komarovsky's home but is informed that he is at a Christmas party. She gets the address of the party and starts toward it, doctor zhivago literary analysis, but relents and pays Pasha a visit instead.
She tells him that they should get married right away, and he agrees. At the same moment that Lara and Pasha are having this discussion, Yuri and Tonya are passing by Pasha's apartment in the street, on their way to the Sventitskys.
They arrive at the party and enjoy the festivities. Later, Lara arrives at the party, doctor zhivago literary analysis. She knows no one there other than Komarovsky, and is not dressed for a ball. She tries to get Komarovsky to notice her, but he is playing cards and either does not notice her or pretends not to. Through some quick doctor zhivago literary analysis, she realizes that one of the men playing cards with Doctor zhivago literary analysis is Kornakov, a prosecutor of the Moscow court, doctor zhivago literary analysis.
He prosecuted a group of railway workers that included Kiprian Tiverzin, Pasha's foster father. There is a great commotion and it is discovered that Lara has shot Kornakov not Komarovsky and Kornakov has received only a minor wound, doctor zhivago literary analysis.
Lara has fainted and is being dragged by some guests to a chair; Yuri recognizes her with amazement. Yuri goes to render medical attention to Lara but then changes course to Kornakov because he is the nominal victim. He pronounces Kornakov's wound to be "a trifle", and is about to tend to Lara when Mrs.
Sventitsky and Tonya urgently tell him that he must return home because something was not right with Anna Ivanovna. When Yuri and Tonya return home, they find that Anna Ivanovna has died. Komarovsky uses his political connections to shield Lara from prosecution. Lara and Pasha marry, graduate from university, and depart by train for Doctor zhivago literary analysis. The narrative moves to the second autumn of the First World War, doctor zhivago literary analysis.
Yuri has married Tonya and is working as a doctor at a hospital in Moscow. Tonya gives birth to their first child, a son. Back in Yuriatin, the Antipovs also have their first child, a girl named Katenka.
Although he loves Lara deeply, Pasha feels increasingly stifled by her doctor zhivago literary analysis for him. In order to escape, he volunteers for the Imperial Russian Army, doctor zhivago literary analysis. Lara starts to work as a teacher in Yuriatin. Sometime later, she leaves Yuriatin and goes to a town in Galiciato look for Pasha.
The town happens to be where Yuri is now working as a military doctor.
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Literature Study Guides for all your favorite books! Get chapter summaries, in-depth analysis, and visual learning guides for hundreds of English Literary Classics The Times Literary Supplement Limited: 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF. Registered in England. Company registration number: VAT no: GB 69 Doctor Zhivago tells the story of Yury Zhivago, a man torn between his love for two women while caught in the tumultuous course of twentieth century Russian history. Yury's mother dies when he is still a young boy, and he is raised by his uncle Kolya. He enrolls at the university in Moscow, studying medicine
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