Thursday, October 7, 2021

Causes of the first world war essay

Causes of the first world war essay

causes of the first world war essay

Causes of the explosion: the demographic transition. The cause of, first, the acceleration and, then, the deceleration in population growth is the modern demographic transition: an increasingly growing group of countries has experienced a transition from relatively high to low birth and death rates, or is still in the process of experiencing this The causes of the Franco-Prussian War are deeply rooted in the events surrounding German the aftermath of the Austro-Prussian War (), Prussia had annexed numerous ethnically German territories and formed the North German Confederation with other German territories. Prussia then turned its attention towards the south of Germany, where it sought to expand its influence For example, if someone asked you to write an essay on the causes of World War II, you would write about Germany’s losses in World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, the fall of the Weimar Republic and the rise of Hitler led Nazism. In other words, everything would be based on verifiable fact – an expository essay

The world population explosion: causes, backgrounds and projections for the future

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the total world population crossed the threshold of 1 billion people for the first time in the history of the homo sapiens sapiens.

Since then, growth rates have been increasing exponentially, reaching staggeringly high peaks in the 20th century and slowing down a bit thereafter. Total world population reached 7 billion just after and is expected to count 9 billion by This paper first charts the differences in population growth between the world regions. Next, the mechanisms behind unprecedented population growth are explained and plausible scenarios for future developments are discussed.

Crucial for the long term trend will be the rate of decline of the number of births per woman, called total fertility. Improvements in education, reproductive health and child survival will be needed to speed up the decline of total fertility, particularly in Africa. But in all scenarios, world population will continue to grow for some time due to population momentum. Finally, the paper outlines the debate about the consequences of the population explosion, involving poverty and food security, the impact on the natural environment, and migration flows.

Key words: Fertility, family planning, world population, causes of the first world war essay, population growth, demographic transition, urbanization, population momentum, population projections.

In the yearBelgium and the Philippines had more or less the same population, around 7 million people. By the yearthe population of the Western European monarchy had grown to 10 million citizens, while the South East Asian republic at the turn of the century already counted 76 million citizens.

The population of Belgium has since then exceeded 11 million citizens, but it is unlikely that this number will rise to 12 million by the year The population of the Philippines on the other hand will continue to grow to a staggering million citizens byaccording to the demographic projections of the United Nations UN Nobody expects such a growth to actually occur. This contribution will discuss the more realistic scenarios for the future.

Even the rather modest Belgian demographic growth rate around the turn of this century 0. In any case, it exceeds by far the average growth rate of the human species homo sapiens sapiens that arose in Africa some Today, earth is inhabited by some 7 billion people.

To achieve this number in The current Belgian growth rate would imply that our country would have grown to 7 billion in less than years.

The point of this story is that the current growth numbers are historically very exceptional and untenable in the long term. The demographic growth rates are indeed on the decline worldwide and this paper will attempt to explain some of the mechanisms behind that process, causes of the first world war essay. This is especially the case in Sub Saharan Africa. In absolute numbers, the world population will continue to grow anyway for quite some time as causes of the first world war essay result of demographic inertia.

This too will be further clarified in this paper. In simple terms: if a combination of birth and growth figures only appears to cause a modest population growth initially, then this seems to imply an explosive growth in the longer term. Thomas R. Malthus already acquired this point of view by the end of the 18th century. On a causes of the first world war essay scale, migration also plays an important role. After all, the population there had started to grow at a historically unseen rate.

More specifically the proletariat had grown immensely and that worried the intellectuals and the elite. Year after year, new demographic growth records were recorded. At the beginning of the 19th century, the number of 1 billion people was exceeded for the first time in history. Subsequently growth accelerated and the number of 2 billion people was already surpassed around Byanother billion had been added, in 40 instead of years time. And it continued to go even faster: 4 billion by5 billion by6 billion by and 7 billion in Fig.

This will certainly not stop at the current 7 billion. According to the most recent projections by the United Nations, the number of 8 billion will probably be exceeded byand around there will be more than 9 billion people 1.

The further one looks into the future, the more uncertain these figures become, and with demography on a world scale one must always take into account a margin of error of a couple of tens of millions. But according to all plausible scenarios, the number of 9 billion will be exceeded by Demographic growth was and is not equally distributed around the globe. The population explosion first occurred on a small scale and with a relatively moderate intensity in Europe and America, more or less between and From on, a much more substantial and intensive population explosion started to take place in Asia, Latin America and Africa Fig.

Of those people, more than 1. In the future, the proportion of Asia will come down and that of Africa will increase. According to UN projections, Africa will continue to grow at a spectacular rate up to 2.

What these figures mainly come down to in practice is that the population size in especially the poor countries is increasing at an unprecedented rate. At the moment, more than 5. Within this group of developing countries, the group of least developed countries, the poorest countries so to speak, is growing strongly: from million now, up to an expected 1, causes of the first world war essay. This comprises very poor countries such as Somalia, Sudan, Liberia, Niger or Togo in Africa; Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Myanmar in Asia; and Haiti in the Caribbean.

It is expected that this proportion will continue to grow to two thirds around In Belgium, population density is people per square km and in the Netherlands people per square km; in Rwanda this number isin the Palestinian regions and in Bangladesh an astonishing Although the world population will continue to grow in absolute figures for some time — a following paragraph will explain why — the growth rate in percentages in all large world regions is decreasing, causes of the first world war essay.

In the richer countries, the yearly growth rate has already declined to below 0. A further decline to less than 0. For these countries, a considerable decrease is expected, but the projected growth rate would not fall below 1. The cause of, first, causes of the first world war essay, the acceleration and, then, the deceleration in population growth is the modern demographic transition: an increasingly growing group of countries has experienced a transition from relatively high to low birth and death rates, or is still in the process of experiencing this.

It is this transition that is causing the modern population explosion. Figure 3 is a schematic and strongly simplified representation of the modern demographic transition. In Europe, the modern demographic transition started to take place in the middle of the 18th century. Until then, years of extremely high death rates were quite frequent, causes of the first world war essay. Extremely high crisis mortality could be the consequence of epidemic diseases or failed harvests and famine, or a combination of both.

As a consequence of better hygiene and a better transportation infrastructure for one, the canals and roads constructed by Austria in the 18th centuryamongst other reasons, crisis mortality became less and less frequent. Later on in the 19th century, child survival began to improve. Vaccination against smallpox for example led to an eradication of the disease, with the last European smallpox pandemic dating from This way, not only the years of crisis mortality became less frequent, but also the average death rate decreased, causes of the first world war essay, from an average 30 deaths per inhabitants in the beginning of the 19th century to around 15 deaths per citizens by the beginning of the 20th century.

In the meantime, the birth rate however stayed at its previous, high level of births per inhabitants. It was only near the end of the nineteenth century a bit earlier in some countries, later in others that married couples in large numbers started to reduce their number of children.

By the middle of the 20th century, the middle class ideal causes of the first world war essay a two children household had gained enormous popularity and influence. The reaction by the Church, for example in the encyclical Humanae Vitaecame much too late to bring this evolution to a halt, causes of the first world war essay.

As a consequence of widespread family planning — made even easier in the sixties by modern hormonal contraceptives — the birth rate started declining as well and the population tended back towards zero growth.

Nowadays the end of this transition process has been more than achieved in all European countries, because the fertility has been below replacement level for several decades the replacement level is the fertility level that would in the long term lead to a birth rate identical to the death rate, if there would be no migration 2.

That the population explosion in the developing countries since the second half of the 20th century was so much more intense and massive, is a consequence of the fact that in those countries, the process of demographic transition occurred to a much more extreme extent and on a much larger scale. On the one hand, mortality decreased faster than in Europe. After all, in Europe the decline in mortality was the result of a gradual understanding of the importance of hygiene and afterwards the development of new medical insights.

These insights of course already existed at the start of the demographic transitions in Asian, causes of the first world war essay, Latin American and African regions, whereby the life expectancy in these regions could grow faster.

On the other hand, the total fertility — the average number of children per woman — at the start of the transition was a causes of the first world war essay higher in many poor regions than it initially was in Europe.

For South Korea, Brasil and the Congo, for example, the total fertility rate shortly after the Second World War at the start of their demographic transition is estimated to be 6 children per woman. In Belgium this number was close to 4. In some developing regions, the fertility and birth rate decreased moderately to very fast, but in other regions this decline took off at an exceptionally sluggish pace — this will be further explained later on.

As a consequence of these combinations of factors, in most of these countries the population explosion was much larger than it had been in most European countries.

Nonetheless, the process of demographic transition has reached its second phase in almost all countries in the world, namely the phase of declining fertility and birth rates. In a lot of Asian and Latin American countries, the entire transition has taken place and the fertility level is around or below the replacement level. South Korea for example is currently at 1, causes of the first world war essay.

Crucial to the future evolution of the population is the further evolution of the birth rate. Scenarios for the future evolution of the size and age of the population differ according to the hypotheses concerning the further evolution of the birth rate. The evolution of the birth rate is in turn dependent on two things: the further evolution of the total fertility rate the average number of children per woman in the first place and population momentum in the second.

The latter is a concept Causes of the first world war essay will later on discuss in more detail. The role of the population momentum is usually overlooked in the popular debates, but is of utmost importance in understanding the further evolution of the world population.

Population momentum is the reason why we are as good as certain that the world population will continue to grow for a while. The other factor, the evolution of the fertility rate, is much more uncertain but of critical importance in the long term. The rate at which the further growth of the world population can be slowed down is primarily causes of the first world war essay on the extent to which the fertility rates will continue to decline.

I will further elaborate on this notion causes of the first world war essay the next paragraph. After that, I will clarify the notion of population momentum. A further decline remains uncertain there. Figure 4 shows the evolution per world region between andplus the projected evolution until

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causes of the first world war essay

Introduction: According to a definition, ‘Brain Drain’, academically also known as the “human capital flight” is the large scale migration of highly educated, skilled and talented people of less economically advanced countries to highly rich and developed countries of the world due to conflicted issues, political instability and lack of opportunities in the developing countries The causes of the Franco-Prussian War are deeply rooted in the events surrounding German the aftermath of the Austro-Prussian War (), Prussia had annexed numerous ethnically German territories and formed the North German Confederation with other German territories. Prussia then turned its attention towards the south of Germany, where it sought to expand its influence Sep 10,  · In the War of , caused by British restrictions on U.S. trade and America’s desire to expand its territory, the United States took on the greatest naval power in the world, Great Britain

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