Thursday, October 7, 2021

Kyoto protocol essay

Kyoto protocol essay

kyoto protocol essay

Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December and entered into force on 16 February The treaty intends to commit state parties to reduce greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions. Important for the IAS exam, download the Kyoto Protocol notes PDF. For UPSC preparation, follow BYJU’S Aug 02,  · + Excellent Narrative Essay Topics. A narrative essay tells a story about a series of events. At the core of this kind of essay can be a personal experience or a fictional plot. Any story can be a basis for a narrative essay! Narratives can be similar to descriptions. A The Kyoto Protocol was designed to be efficient and equitable (Toth et al.., , p. ), but it has been subject to criticism (Stern, , p. ). Nordhaus () drew attention to the inefficiencies of the Kyoto Protocol's flexibility mechanisms

Views on the Kyoto Protocol - Wikipedia

Jump to navigation. But less than two years later, then-president Donald Trump kyoto protocol essay that future in jeopardy by announcing his plan to withdraw the United States from the accord—a step that became official on November 4, —as part of a larger effort to dismantle decades of U. environmental policy.

Fortunately, American voters also got their say in Novemberousting Trump and sending Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House. Meanwhile, city, state, business, kyoto protocol essay, and civic leaders across the country and around the world have been ramping up efforts to drive the clean energy advances needed to meet the goals of the agreement and put the brakes on dangerous climate change.

Protesters gather near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France during the UN Climate Conference. The Paris Agreement is kyoto protocol essay landmark international accord that was adopted by nearly every nation in to address climate change and its negative impacts. The agreement aims kyoto protocol essay substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to limit the global temperature increase in this century to 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, while pursuing the means to limit the increase to 1.

The agreement includes commitments from all major emitting countries to cut their climate pollution and to strengthen those commitments over time. President Obama was able to formally enter the United States into the agreement under international law through executive authoritysince it imposed no new legal obligations on the country.

The United States has a number of tools already on the booksunder laws already passed by Congress, to cut carbon pollution, kyoto protocol essay. The country formally joined the agreement in September after submitting its proposal for participation. The Paris Agreement could not take effect until at least 55 nations representing at least 55 percent of global emissions had formally joined.

This happened on October 5,and the agreement went into force 30 days later on November 4, Sincecountries —nearly every nation on earth, with the last signatory being war-torn Syria —have endorsed the Paris Agreement. Of those, have solidified their support with formal approval.

The major emitting countries that have yet to formally join the agreement are Iran, Turkey, kyoto protocol essay, and Iraq.

Thankfully, even a formal withdrawal can be reversed since a future president can rejoin. envoys continued to participate —as mandated—in U.

kyoto protocol essay negotiations to solidify details of the agreement. Meanwhile, kyoto protocol essay, thousands of leaders nationwide stepped in to fill the void created by the lack of federal climate leadership, reflecting the will of the vast majority of Americans who support the Paris Agreement.

The complementary and sometimes overlapping movements aim to deepen and accelerate efforts to tackle climate change at the local, regional, and national levels. On his first day in office, President Biden sent a letter to the United Nations, formally signaling that the United States would rejoin the Paris Agreement. Thirty days later as is requiredon February 19,the nation was re-entered.

This new era of U. climate leadership represents our last, best chance to course-correct in the global race to tackle climate change.

president—and he intends to rally international leaders to cut emissions even more aggressively than under the goals of the Paris Agreement. As Biden kyoto protocol essay Vice President Harris fight to pull the nation out of the grip of the COVID pandemicthey can do so in ways that support climate justice and a clean energy economy.

The page document establishes a framework for kyoto protocol essay climate action, including the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, the transparent reporting and strengthening of climate goals, and support for developing nations. It also asks kyoto protocol essay to work to achieve a leveling off of global greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and to become greenhouse gas emissions neutral in the second half of this century.

INDCs turn into NDCs —nationally determined contributions—once a country formally joins the agreement. There are no specific kyoto protocol essay about how or how much countries should cut emissions, but there have been political expectations about kyoto protocol essay type and stringency of targets by various countries based on the latest science.

Chinafor example, committed to leveling off its carbon emissions no later than India set its sights on cutting emissions intensity by 33 to 35 percent below levels and generating 40 percent of its electricity from non—fossil fuel sources by The enhanced transparency rules apply common frameworks for all countries, with accommodations and support provided for nations that currently lack the capacity to strengthen their systems.

Among other requirements, countries must report their greenhouse gas inventories and progress relative to their targets, allowing outside experts to evaluate their success. Countries are also expected to revisit their pledges and put forward progressively stronger targets every five years, with the goal of further driving down emissions. These transparency and accountability provisions are similar to those in the frameworks of other international agreements.

With technological and financial help from wealthier countries, important equity-focused goals such as these can be within reach, kyoto protocol essay. The Copenhagen pact also created the Green Climate Fund to help mobilize transformational private finance using targeted public dollars.

While developed nations are not legally bound to contribute a specific amount to the mitigation and adaptation efforts of developing countries, they are encouraged to provide financial support and are required to report on the financing they supply or will mobilize. Rarely is there consensus among nearly all nations on a single topic. It kyoto protocol essay created a clear framework for all countries to make emissions reduction commitments and strengthen those actions over time.

Here are some key reasons why the agreement is so important:. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCCthe leading international scientific body studying the subject, the concentration of these heat-trapping gases has increased substantially since preindustrial times to levels not seen in at leastyears. Carbon dioxide the chief contributor to climate change is up by 40 percent, nitrous oxide by 20 percent, kyoto protocol essay methane by a whopping percent since —mainly from the burning of dirty fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, deforestation and forest degradation have contributed significantly to global carbon emissions as well. Hotter temperatures—both on land and at sea— alter global weather patterns and change how and where precipitation falls. Those shifting patterns exacerbate dangerous and deadly drought, heat waves, kyoto protocol essay, floods, wildfires, and storms, including hurricanes.

They also melt ice caps, glaciers, and layers of permafrostwhich can lead to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, kyoto protocol essay. Warmer temperatures impact whole ecosystems as well, throwing migration patterns and life cycles out of whack. For example, an early spring can induce trees and plants to flower before bees and other pollinators have emerged.

While kyoto protocol essay warming may equate to longer growing seasons and higher food kyoto protocol essay in some regions, areas already coping with water scarcity are expected to become driercreating the potential for drought, failed crops, or wildfires.

As climate change fuels kyoto protocol essay increases and extreme kyoto protocol essay events, it jeopardizes our air, water, kyoto protocol essay, and food; spreads disease; and imperils our homes and safety. We are confronting a growing public health crisis.

The countries hardest hit by the impact of climate change will be low-lying nations uniquely vulnerable to sea level rise and developing countries that lack the resources to adapt to temperature and precipitation changes. But wealthy nations such as the United States are increasingly vulnerable as well. Many frontline communities are majority people of color, kyoto protocol essay. Around the world, those most impacted by climate change are those who contribute least to emissions.

To avoid major changes to life as we know it, global action must be taken. Kyoto protocol essay the Paris climate conference, all countries committed to a target of keeping the temperature change to well below 2 degrees and to make efforts to prevent a change greater than 1. Unfortunately, the emissions gap—the emissions level with existing commitments kyoto protocol essay to a safer trajectory —is still dangerously large as of Every tenth of a degree matters, and we cannot prevent this unless we act immediately to cut emissions deeply.

The McFadden Ridge Wind Energy Project in Carbon County, Wyoming. That was among a number of unfounded claims former president Trump repeated, arguing that the accord would cost the U, kyoto protocol essay. But as fact kyoto protocol essay noted, kyoto protocol essay, these statistics originated from a debunked March study that exaggerated the future costs of emissions reductions, underestimated advances in energy efficiency and clean energy technologies, and outright ignored the huge health and economic costs of climate change itself.

Climate change is already costing public health. Research from NRDC scientists shows how inaction on climate change is responsible for many billions in health costs each year in just the United States—as communities around the world experience greater displacement, illness, famine, water shortages, civil strife, kyoto protocol essay, and death.

Research makes clear that the cost of climate inaction far outweighs the cost of reducing carbon pollution. In terms of employment, the clean energy sector employed more than 3 million Americans before the start of the COVID pandemic—about 14 times the number of coal, gas, oil, and other fossil kyoto protocol essay industry workers—and has the potential to employ many more with further investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and electric grid modernization to replace the aging coal-powered infrastructure.

But supporting policies that promote an equitable transition —with community-led decision-making, a focus on equity, and retraining support—is an important means to helping communities leave the dirty energy economy behind them. Finally, rather than giving China and India a pass to pollute, as Trump claimedthe pact kyoto protocol essay the first time those two major developing economies have agreed to concrete and time-bound climate commitments.

Both countries, which are already poised to lead the world in renewable energy, have made significant progress to meet their Paris goals. The Paris Agreement is the culmination kyoto protocol essay decades of international efforts to combat climate change. Here is a brief history. InPresident George H. Bush joined other heads of state at the Rio Earth Summit in Brazil to adopt a series of environmental agreements, including the UNFCCC framework that remains in effect today.

The pact set no limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contained no enforcement mechanisms, but instead established a framework for international negotiations of future agreements, kyoto protocol essay, or protocols, to set binding emissions targets. Participating countries meet annually at a Conference of the Parties COP to assess their progress kyoto protocol essay continue talks on how to best tackle climate change. The Kyoto Protocola landmark environmental treaty that was adopted in at the COP 3 in Japan, represents the first time nations agreed to legally mandated, country-specific kyoto protocol essay reduction targets.

The United States initially signed the agreement but never ratified it; President George W. Bush argued that the deal would hurt the U. economy since developing nations such as China kyoto protocol essay India were not included.

That year, at the COP 18 in Doha, Qatardelegates agreed to extend the accord until without some developed nations, which had dropped out. They also reaffirmed their pledge from the COP 17 in Durban, South Africa, to create a new, comprehensive climate treaty by that would require all big emitters not included in the Kyoto Protocol—such as China, India, and the United States—to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

The new treaty—what would become the Paris Agreement—was to fully replace the Kyoto Protocol by However, the Paris accord went into effect earlier than expected, in November While the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement both set out to address climate change, there are some key differences between them. Unlike the Kyoto Protocol, which established top-down legally binding emissions reduction targets as well as penalties for kyoto protocol essay for developed nations only, the Paris Agreement requires that all countries—rich, poor, developed, and developing—do their part and slash greenhouse gas emissions.

To that end, kyoto protocol essay, greater flexibility and national ownership is built into the Paris Agreement: No language is included about the commitments countries should make; nations can set their own emissions targets NDCs consistent with their level of development and technological advancement.

The aftermath of a wildfire near Santiam Pass in Oregon. While the Paris Agreement ultimately aims to cap global temperature rise at 1. Indeed, the targets that countries laid out are expected to limit future temperature rise to approximately 2.

Meanwhile, despite temporary emissions drops related to changes in production and travel associated with the COVID pandemic, current evaluations of how countries are performing in the context of their Paris climate goals indicate some nations are already falling short of their commitments.

The heavy lifting—reining in emissions even further by and —still needs to be done, and the accord provides the tools and pressure to make that happen, kyoto protocol essay. As the Paris Agreement matures, nations including the United States must firmly commit to phasing out fossil fuel investment locally and abroad and investing in nature-based solutions.

Often, the communities who contribute least to global emissions are the ones already showing wealthier nations the waykyoto protocol essay, committing to rapid emissions reductions, renewable energy expansion, protecting their forests, kyoto protocol essay, and putting economies on low-carbon pathways. Nations must uplift these communities as well as those who are faced with the brunt of climate impacts. This includes formally protecting Indigenous knowledge and right swhich are critical to fighting the climate crisis.

The Kyoto Protocol and Carbon Reduction

, time: 15:50

Paris Climate Agreement: Everything You Need to Know | NRDC

kyoto protocol essay

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